106 Pull Off Adhesion Tester
112 Wet Film Combs (Aluminium)
113 Magnetic Thermometers
114 Dewpoint Calculator
116 Whirling and Sling Hygrometers
122 Testex Replica Tape
123 Analogue Surface Profile Gauge
124 Testex Dial Thickness Gauge
125 Surface Comparators
127 Keane Tator Surface Comparators and Magnifier
134 CSN Chloride Sulphate and Nitrate Kit
134A Chloride Ion Test Kit for Abrasives
134S Chloride Ion Test Kit for Surfaces
138 Bresle Salt Kit
138/2 Surface Contamination Kit
154 Wet Film Combs (Plastic)
223 Digital Surface Profile Gauge
224 Digital Surface Profile Gauge
266DC Holiday Detector
270 Pinhole Detectors
319 Dewpoint Meter
456 Coating Thickness Gauge
506 PAT Adhesion Tester
7410 Concrete Moisture Meter
990 Calibration Foils and Standards
995 Coated Thickness Standards