- XM PFP Plural Component Sprayers for passive fire protection (PFP) materials
- The Graco XM PFP Plural Component Sprayer offers data reporting technology, so you can confirm that epoxy intumescent coatings are sprayed on-ratio, at requirements set by the manufacturer
- The XM PFP is easy to use, maintains consistent temperature control and and offers precise ratio control
Ordering Details
Part # Description 262878 Base XM PFP Sprayer 262869 Complete XM PFP Sprayer - includes 15m Dual Heated Hose, Mix Manifold, 5m Static Mix Line, 30:1 Flush Pump, XHF Gun with 429 Tip Parts/Spares Breakdown Sheet
- GRACO XM PFP Parts Spares (pdf) 9.1 MB
Technical Details
- XM PFP Mix Manifold Manual (pdf) 2.1 MB
- XM PFP Operation Manual (pdf) 18.1 MB
- XM PFP Repair Manual (pdf) 20.3 MB
- XM PFP Brochure (708 KB) pdf
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